anatomy tissues


The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels

| December 21, 2013 | 0 Comments
The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels

Blood Vessels are often compared to a system of pipes with liquid circulating in them, but this analogy is only a starting point. Unlike pipes, blood vessels are extremely dynamic structures that constrict, relax, pulsate, and proliferate. In this article, we’ll examine the structure and function of these important circulatory pathways. If these pathways get […]

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| December 13, 2013 | 0 Comments

Atherosclerosis When pipes get clogged, its usually because we flushed something down the drain we shouldn’t have. Sometimes, build-up inside of pipes causes clogging. In arteriosclerosis, the walls of the arteries become thick and stiff and hypertension results. In atherosclerosis, which is the most common form of arteriosclerosis, small patchy areas called atheromas form that […]

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Heart Anatomy: chambers, valves and vessels

| September 1, 2013 | 1 Comment
Heart Anatomy: chambers, valves and vessels

The heart is an extremely interesting and powerful pump. It operates by using an intrinsic control and conduction system that surpasses any system invented by the brightest mechanical engineers. In this article, we will focus on the anatomy of vessels, valves, and chambers within the human heart.

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Heart Anatomy: size, location, coverings and layers

| August 26, 2013 | 0 Comments
Heart Anatomy: size, location, coverings and layers

The pulmonary and systemic circuits The heart is a transport system pump that delivers blood to the body through blood vessels. The right side of the heart receives oxygen-poor blood from body tissues and pumps it to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. The blood vessels that carry […]

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