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Lever Systems: Bone-Muscle Relationships
How do our bones and muscles work? What makes movement possible? These are just a few questions you may find

Muscle Mechanics: Fascicle Arrangement
How do muscles work? Picture a hand-woven quilt full of strong fibers that have different shapes, sizes, and elasticities. The

Function and Classification of Bones
The human skeleton contains 206 known bones and because of its sheer scope, a classification system had to be invented.

Along with its bones, the skeleton contains resilient cartilages, and although the major focus of this category is skeletal structure

Cell Junctions Although certain cell types – blood cells, and some immune system cells – move freely in the body,

The Plasma Membrane: Structure
Plasma Membrane The flexible plasma membrane defines the barrier of a cell by separating two of the body’s major fluid

Cell Theory: The Cellular Basis of Life
Cell Theory In the late 1600’s, an English scientist named Robert Hook was the first to observe plant cells with

The lymphatic system returns fluids that have leaked from the blood (vascular system) back to the blood. Without it, our

Digestive System: Histology of the Alimentary Canal
The Alimentary Canal In a recent article titled “Digestive System Overview“, we discussed the six processes of digestion. We also

The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels
Blood Vessels are often compared to a system of pipes with liquid circulating in them, but this analogy is only